I made this map myself so I only owe myself credit and lastly, you MUST and i mean MUST have a full house. In the book, Saurons cloud pitches everything into perpetual twilight, enabling the orcs to fight throughout the day. Orange and yellow will unfortunately have to wait at beginning until the builders send you some soldiers. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is a 2002 epic fantasy adventure film directed by Peter Jackson, based on the second volume of J. The mud plays host to a battle between good and evil, with the free races ( Hobbit, Sindar, Silvan Elf, Dwarf, Edain, Dunlending, Dúnedain, and Eorling) generally contesting against the minions of Sauron ( Uruk-hai, Easterling, Númenórean. omer encounters Aragorn’s traveling party early in The Two Towers, giving Aragorn information implying that Merry and Pippin are still alive. Men omer One of the Riders of Rohan, the horsemen to whom the Lord of Gondor has given land in exchange for guarding his territories. Try and kill eachother's bases to win.įirstly, the builders will start with just their main building, spawn some builders and mine from the gold mines as well as collecting wood then make some soldiers and send them to top right of your base for orange or yellow to control so they can attack their opposition. The Two Towers depicts the date of March 15, 3019, Third Age when Minas Tirith was under siege. Two Orc warriors who carry Frodo’s paralyzed body away into Mordor.
Orange and Yellow have buildings that they will use to upgrade and they will depend on you to pool gold so they can pay for upgrades. Send your units into the top-right corner of your race's base to send them into the middle and fight for Orange or Yellow. Play as the Night Elves, the Orcs, the Humans or the Undead. We learn about Theoden’s complex relationship. Merry and Pippin try their best to motivate the most boring creatures on Middle-earth and Frodo meets a character given entirely new depth and purpose by the film series. Things get tense as the battle for Helm’s Deep begins. Quickly build up an army and send them into the middle for Orange or Yellow to control and fight until everyone knows who the top dog is, there can only be one winner. The Two Towers, especially in its extended cut manages this and more. The war between the Alliance and Horde has begun.